History books provide many facts about the Civil War but you can hear more personal stories on February 19 at the American Legion Memorial Building beginning at 2 pm.
Robin Johnston will trace his ancestor from Atlantic who served in the Civil War. He returned to serve the Atlantic Community. Robin is a member of the Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW).
At the time of the Civil War, society ladies used a secret languish of fans. Denise Sasse will demonstrate fan movements and interpret the messages. Denise a member of the SUVCW auxiliary.
This program is presented by The Sons of the Union Veterans of the Civil War. Martin Mundorf will talk about the history and purpose of the organization. Dennis Sasse, Iowa State Department Commander, will introduce the program.
Atlantic Rock Island Society Enterprise sponsors a series of programs on the third Sunday of nearly every month. Topics vary related to military subjects, railroads, Atlantic and Southwest Iowa. There is no fee to attend but donations are appreciated. Memberships are available for $15.
The Building is handicapped accessible. Programs are open to everyone.