No need to drive to New York City to see Lady Liberty. Just stop by the Atlantic City Park to see our very own Lady Liberty at the top of the monument. She has been looking down and watching over us since 1919.

A lady usually isn’t asked her age or weight. But we know that she is over 100 years old and weighs 460 pounds. She also had reconstructive “surgery” in 2009. She is guarding a box of information in her base.

There is much more to know about Lady Liberty. Find out how she got to Atlantic, who owns her and a connection to a train wreck. Steve Livengood will be telling her story on Sunday, November 15, 2 pm at the American Legion Memorial Building. He guided the statue’s renovation and repair.

Steve’s presentation is one of the series of programs sponsored by Atlantic Rock Island Society Enterprise (ARISE). There is no fee to attend.

Please plan to help keep everyone healthy by wearing a mask which will be provided if necessary. Attendance is limited to 25 people so seating can be social distanced. No refreshments will be served. The building is handicapped accessible.